Learn To Design with Colorful Metallics

Unwind while learning how to create shimmering, high-contrast artwork that really pops! This easy-to-follow tutorial makes it easy to get started with metallic watercolors and metallic gel pens on black paper.


1. Sketch or use the printable template to transfer a leaf pattern onto black paper using graphite.

2. Outline the leaves using Gelly Roll Stardust Pens in alternating colors.

3. Use a dropper to pre-moisten the metallic watercolors by placing one or two drops of water in each pan, then mixing.

4. Once the watercolors are ready to use, paint the leaves to match the outlined colors. Use one or two layers of paint, depending on your desired effect.

5. As an option, once paint is dry retrace the leaves using Gelly Roll Stardust Pens for an extra metallic effect.