Winsor & Newton Sansodor

Winsor & Newton

4.3 out of 5 stars
Winsor & Newton Sansodor - 75 ml bottle

Winsor & Newton Sansodor makes a viscous mixture that evaporates slowly, increasing blending time. It costs approximately the same as turpentine, but has minimal odor and does not deteriorate when stored. Use it to thin oil colors and clean brushes. It's also suitable for use with alkyd paint.

™ Winsor & Newton is a trademark.

Item Specs

Plastic Bottle

75 ml


Plastic Bottle250 ml8½ oz

Plastic Bottle

500 ml

17 oz

Can1 L 34 oz
Can2 ½ L 85 oz


Learn about the different oil paint mediums that Winsor and Newton offers. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required.

pdf documentWinsor & Newton Oil Paint Mediums Guide.


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