Semikolon Black Page Photo Albums


5 out of 5 stars
Semikolon Black Page Photo Albums - Several colors and sizes of Albums stacked loosely

Whether you use them for your favorite photos or for treasured keepsakes, the Black Page Photo Album helps you capture your memories, express yourself, and add beauty to your life.
Semikolon, known throughout Europe for exceptional bookbinding techniques, spared no detail in the construction of...

Item Specs

Mini Mucho Album6-1/3"W × 9"H × 1"D16 cm × 23 cm × 2.54 cm
Medium Album9"H × 9-5/8"W × 1/2"D23 cm × 24 cm × 1.27 cm
Large Album13"H × 13-1/2"W × 1/2"D33 cm × 34 cm × 1.27 cm
