Store Pickup List

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Log in or create an account to make a Store Pickup List.

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How to Create a Store Pickup List

  • Step 1

    Log in to your Registered Customer Account. Or, create a new account if you don’t have one yet.

  • Step 2

    Navigate to the My Lists page and click on the “Create a Store Pickup List” button.

  • Step 3

    Fill out all required details:

    • Verify or update your contact info on the left side of the page.

    • Choose whether you require exact items or would accept substitutions based on item availability.

    • If someone else will be picking up the order, please enter their name here and enter any additional notes you have for the store associate.

    • Select the store location for your pickup. Your new Store Pickup List is now created and ready for you to add your items.

  • Step 4

    Add items you would like to purchase to your list by browsing product pages on our website.

    Click the “+ LIST” link next to the item and select your list name from the drop down menu. You can choose to view the Store Pickup List or continue shopping in the window that appears after an item is added.

    You can now see whether a product is carried in your local store and its availability. On a product page, select a store and the status will show on the individual products. Store Pickup orders must total a minimum of $35.

  • Step 5

    Once your list is ready, click the “Email to Store” button and complete the steps.

    Your list will be sent to the store you selected. Our associates will check on availability and pricing, then call you to schedule a pickup. At your scheduled pickup, payment will be taken in-store. Please have your ID available when picking up.

    • Please note that you can only have one Store Pickup List active at a time.

Store Pickup is now available!

Create a Store Pickup List with all of the supplies you need to be creative at home. We’ll send your list to your local store, and our team will follow up with availability, pricing, and secure your payment via credit card.

Disclaimer: Store Pickup service is currently offered on a limited basis and is subject to local operating hours and available inventory. Store pickup orders must total a minimum of $35. Payment will only be accepted in store and will require an ID. We are unable to reserve or hold orders after the day of scheduled pickup. Prices and selection may vary between the retail store and No returns or exchanges during Store Pickup. See store page for current hours of operation.