Quick Quote



Quick Quote is an on-demand quote and requisition tool for schools and organizations. Learn how to get an instant quote and discover flexible options for sharing, placing orders, and editing lists.

  • 1. Build a Shopping List

    Sign into your account to curate a shopping list of needed items.

    1. Sign into My Account or create a personal user account.

    2. Add needed items to your shopping cart.

  • 2. Get a Quick Quote

    Obtaining a quote is quick, easy, and carries no additional obligations.

    1. In Shopping Cart, select “Move All to List.”

    2. From the drop down, select “Create New Quick Quote.”

    3. Follow the prompts to provide the required information including your customer number, zip code, and a name for your requisition.

    4. A Quick Quote will be instantly created. Quotes reflect your account’s profile and current prices and are valid for 60 days.

  • 3. Download or Share Quote (optional)

    Useful for sharing your quote with an order approver or placer. Download, print, or email your quote in seconds.

    Download or Print: Select “Print PDF” to download or print your quote for approval.

    Email: Select “Email” to send a link to your quote to an order approver.

  • 4. Edit Your Quote (optional)

    Forgot an item or need to trim your list before ordering? Add or remove items and get an updated quote for as long as your quote is valid.

    1. Access your quote via the Quick Quote Search page or the link emailed with your quote notice. Note: You must be signed in via My Account to edit. Only the list creator may change quote contents.

    2. Provide your school or organization’s customer number and zip code, found on the quote PDF and select the desired quote.

    3. Make deletions or add extra items from your cart by selecting “Move to List”.

  • 5. Place Order

    Quick Quote orders can be placed by the list creator or a list reviewer. Order the entire list or select items.

    Order Online:

    1. Access your quote using the Quick Quote Search or use the link emailed with your quote notice.

    2. Provide your school or organization’s customer number and zip code, found on the quote PDF, and select the desired quote.

    3. Select “Buy All’ or individually select the specific items to be purchased. The Quote items, prices and quoted code are moved to your cart.

    4. Select the “School or Business Account” checkout option and follow the prompts to place your order.

    Order by email or phone: Be sure to reference the quote code to ensure the quote prices are applied to your order.

Need help? For assistance with requesting a Quick Quote or placing an order, email sales@dickblick.com or call 1-800-704-7744.