About Blick Lists

Blick offers three types of lists for you to create. Check out the details of each type below to find the one that best suits your needs. Please note, you must be logged in to create a list.

  • Wish Lists

    Wish lists are a convenient way for individuals to keep track of items they would like to have. You can share these lists with others (a public Wish List), making gift-giving easy, or you can keep the lists to yourself (a private Wish List) to keep track of your own needs. You can create as many Wish Lists as you'd like and use them for different occasions or needs!

    Log in now to create a Wish List, or continue without having to log in to find a Wish List.

  • Store Pickup Lists

    Using a Store Pickup List is an easy way to select the items for your next purchase. Simply create a list and it will be sent to your nearest store for you to pay and pickup. Please note that prices and participating stores may vary.

    Log in now to create a Store Pickup List.

  • Blick U Course Supply Lists

    Blick U Course Supply Lists are created by instructors. They are an easy way to collect all the supplies needed for any class one convenient place. Students simply search for their state, school, and class. They can put all the materials needed for their course into their shopping cart in just one click!

    Log in now to create a Blick U List, or continue without having to log in to find a Blick U List.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I create a new list?

    To create a new list, you must start by either logging in or creating a Registered Customer account.

    After you are logged in, go to My Lists and choose which type of list you want to create.

  • How do I add items to a list?

    To add items to a list, you must first sign in to your Registered Customer account. Then find items on the site that you want to add to your lists.

    On every product page, you'll find a "+LIST" link located to the right of the +Cart button for each item. You can select which List you want to add the item(s) to or create a new list.

    You can also move an item that is in your cart to your list:

    You may do this one item at a time by clicking the "Move to List" link for the item, located at the bottom right hand side of the item's row in your Cart.

  • How do I update my list's settings?

    From the main My Lists page you can click the "Update this list's settings" icon located to the right of each list.

    While working on a specific list, you can review or update your list's settings by clicking the "List Settings" tab.

  • How do I share my list with others?

    When you are ready to let people know about your list, just click the "Let people know about this list" link located in the top right corner of your list.

    You can enter the email addresses of everyone you want to send your list to. Send your list with a personalized message from you to your recipients!

  • How do I find someone else's list?

    To find someone else’s Wish List, enter any information about the list you have (like Owner/List Name, City, State) within our Wish List search tool.

    To find a Blick U Course Supply List, select your State and School Name within our Blick U List search tool.

    You may also click the "Find someone else's list" link located in the top right corner of the My Lists page.