Mungyo Gallery Artists' Soft Pastels - Set of 72, Wooden Box

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Item #:21092-1729
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Mungyo Gallery Artists' Soft Pastels - Set of 72, Wooden Box (contents top view)

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California Proposition 65


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Soft Pastels, Set of 72, Wooden Box
Assorted Colors

Includes 001 White, 002 Ivory, 003 Ochre, 053 Dark Naples Ochre, 004 Golden Ochre, 052 Light Flesh, 005 Medium Flesh, 051 Cream, 072 Yellow, 073 Naples Yellow, 007 Cadmium Yellow, 074 Light Cadmium Yellow, 008 Dark Cadmium Yellow, 009 Dark Chrome Yellow, 010 Cadmium Orange, 011 Orange, 012 Dark Cadmium Orange, 013 Permanent Carmine, 014 Alizarin Crimson, 057 Light Purple Pink, 058 Carmine Rose, 006 Dark Flesh, 054 Cinnamon, 015 Terracotta, 016 Burnt Ochre, 017 Sanguine, 018 Nougat, 019 Burnt Umber, 060 Van Dyke Brown, 059 Burnt Carmine, 063 Worm Grey, 055 Pink Madder Lake, 021 Medium Purple Pink, 056 Light Magenta, 022 Magenta, 020 Pink Carmine, 070 Caputmortum, 023 Violet, 035 Blue Violet, 062 Delft Blue, 064 Sky Blue, 028 Light Cobalt Turquoise, 029 Hello Turquoise, 030 Medium Phthalo Blue, 034 Cobalt Blue, 071 Ultramarine Blue, 033 Indanthrene Blue, 024 Permanent Green, 025 Leaf Green, 026 Dark Phthalo Green, 027 Phthalo Green, 032 Cobalt Turquoise, 031 Juniper Green, 068 Hooker’s Green, 069 Viridian, 061 Earth Green, 065 Green Yellowish Earth, 066 Gold Green, 040 Olive Green, 067 Olive Green Yellowish, 041 Cool Grey I, 042 Cool Grey II, 043 Cool Grey III, 044 Cool Grey IV, 045 Cool Grey V, 046 Black, 036 Fluorescent Orange, 037 Fluorescent Pink, 038 Fluorescent Rose, and 039 Fluorescent Green


Safety Data Sheet

UPC Code: 8804819061083