Linoleum and Printing Blocks

Easily create repeat patterns and prints on textiles, felt, leather, and more with printing blocks. They're used for relief (or block) printing, a technique that involves carving into a material and printing an impression of the carved surface....

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Linoleum and Printing Blocks

Easily create repeat patterns and prints on textiles, felt, leather, and more with printing blocks. They're used for relief (or block) printing, a technique that involves carving into a material and printing an impression of the carved surface.

Made of linoleum, wood, foam, and other carvable materials, printmaking blocks are typically carved with sharp cutting tools. Some blocks are easier to cut through than others. Some can even be cut with a wood stylus or pencil — perfect for classrooms and young artists.

Sketch an illustration or design on a printing block, carve around it, and apply ink or paint with a brayer. Lay a piece of paper on the block, and rub it with a baren so all the ink transfers evenly. A printing press can also be used to transfer ink from printing blocks.