Oil Painting Mediums

Add an oil paint medium to your artwork to achieve a wide variety of effects. Alter the texture of the paint, quicken the drying time, increase the paint’s transparency, and more. Wax Mediums Cold Wax is used to thicken paint to create a butt...

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Oil Painting Mediums

Add an oil paint medium to your artwork to achieve a wide variety of effects. Alter the texture of the paint, quicken the drying time, increase the paint’s transparency, and more.

Wax Mediums Cold Wax is used to thicken paint to create a buttery texture. It can also be used as a base or topcoat.

Impasto Mediums and Extenders increase the viscosity of the paint and prevent it from cracking, so that the artist can use a thicker application.

Solvents are typically used to thin oil colors and improve flow. They can also be used as a brush cleaner.

Water Mixable Oil Mediums allow you to alter the viscosity and drying time of the water miscible oil paints without the problems traditionally associated with thinning with water. The integrity and luster of the paint is preserved, while still allowing easy cleanup.