Oil Painting Solvents

Shop a wide selection of oil painting solvents, including mineral spirits, turpentine, citrus solvents and natural terpenes, and conservation and restoration solvents. Mix a mineral spirit or turpentine with oil paint to thin the paint and ...

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Oil Painting Solvents

Shop a wide selection of oil painting solvents, including mineral spirits, turpentine, citrus solvents and natural terpenes, and conservation and restoration solvents.

Mix a mineral spirit or turpentine with oil paint to thin the paint and make it more fluid. They can also be used to clean paint brushes and other painting tools. Some can also remove a painting’s existing varnish. Mineral spirits and turpentine evaporate overtime and won’t leave residue behind.

Made from orange peels, citrus solvents are a natural and safe alternative to other oil paint thinners. Remove old varnish and clean oil paintings with conservation and restoration solvents.