Fabric Painting and Decorating

Personalize your style with fabric paint. Try all kinds of techniques — brush or stamp the dye, airbrush it, and much more. Discover a wide selection of colors and sets, plus paint that creates textural effects, including glitter, 3-D, metallic, and more. Combine paint with a fabric medium to reduce stiffness, increase stiffness, or create a relief effect. Custom clothes and accessories are great for commemorating events, as gifts, or for every day.

Add color to your closet with tie-dye and fabric dye. Explore dye powders, liquid dyes, and all-in-one kits. Try Batik techniques — a method of creating designs on fabric by applying wax to the areas that won’t be dyed. Get creative with fabric markers, or use iron-on transfer sheets and vinyl to jazz up blank fabric.

Find everything you need at Blick, including apparel and accessories, such as totes, T-shirts, towels, and wine bottle bags.