Bristol Boards and Pads

The terms Bristol and Bristol board are interchangeable and refer to the same substrate. The word “board” is generally applied when the Bristol is thicker (i.e., three-ply, four-ply, etc.). All Bristol is made by adhering sheets of art paper ...

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Bristol Boards and Pads

The terms Bristol and Bristol board are interchangeable and refer to the same substrate. The word “board” is generally applied when the Bristol is thicker (i.e., three-ply, four-ply, etc.). All Bristol is made by adhering sheets of art paper together to create a thick, stable surface for drawing, sketching, illustration work, and more with markers, pen-and-ink, pencils, colored pencils, pastels, oil pastels, charcoal, and other dry media. Many artists also use Bristol for watercolors because of its stability. Bristol also works well as a mounting surface for photographs.

Bristol board is available in a variety of finishes that include vellum, smooth, and plate, each intended for a different media. Choose Bristol board pads for convenience and portability!