Mottler Brushes

Mottler brushes and spalter brushes are large, flat brushes with long or short handles and long or short fibers that are either natural or synthetic. Brushes such as Escoda mottler brushes are used for faux finishing techniques, murals, washe...

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Mottler Brushes

Mottler brushes and spalter brushes are large, flat brushes with long or short handles and long or short fibers that are either natural or synthetic. Brushes such as Escoda mottler brushes are used for faux finishing techniques, murals, washes, varnishing, priming, and decorative work. They hold a large amount of paint and are great for covering large surfaces. Mottler brushes can be used with watercolors, acrylics, and oil paints. Access our Brush Charts for more information on types of paintbrushes, including brush shapes, fiber types, and measurements.