Filbert Paint Brushes

Filbert paintbrushes have a thick, flat ferrule and oval-shaped, medium-to-long brush fibers. Because of their soft, rounded edges, these long-handled brushes are ideal for blending and decorative work with oils and acrylics. Shop Blick for f...

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Filbert Brushes

Filbert paintbrushes have a thick, flat ferrule and oval-shaped, medium-to-long brush fibers. Because of their soft, rounded edges, these long-handled brushes are ideal for blending and decorative work with oils and acrylics. Shop Blick for filbert brushes made from natural fibers, synthetic filaments, or a blend of natural and synthetic fibers that perform as well or better than their natural counterparts. Access our Brush Charts for more information on types of paintbrushes, including brush shapes, fiber types, and measurements.