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Item #: 25308
$4.73 - $30.51
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Designed for textiles and most applications, including wood, leather, ceramics, canvas, aluminum, glass, fingernails, and more, Createx Airbrush Paint...
$4.73 - $30.51
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100+ Options
100+ Options
Item #: 25334
$6.57 - $133.29
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Discover a real breakthrough in airbrush paint! Createx Wicked Colors Airbrush Colors are highly pigmented colors that offer excellent coverage right ...
$6.57 - $133.29
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50+ Options
50+ Options
Item #: 01210
$14.66 - $250.90
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Createx has improved upon its original acrylic line formerly sold as Createx Poster and Fabric Colors. Createx Medium Body Acrylics are non-toxic, wat...
$14.66 - $250.90
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+ 26 Options
+ 26 Options
Item #: 00338
$14.74 - $72.32
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For transferring to paper an image painted on a plate. Transfer is done by hand-rubbing or press. If Createx water-based colors dry before printing, d...
$14.74 - $72.32
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50+ Options
50+ Options
Item #: 25984
$6.02 - $146.34
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Designed with the illustrator and fine artist in mind, non-toxic Createx Illustration Colors are optimized for re-wettable techniques and soft erasing...
$6.02 - $146.34
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+ 18 Options
+ 18 Options
Item #: 25993
$6.82 - $199.97
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Createx UVLS Clears Top Coats are water-based, architectural-grade protective coatings for interior and exterior applications. They’re exceptionally d...
$6.82 - $199.97
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+ 11 Options
+ 11 Options
Item #: 25334
$4.68 - $32.40
Thin airbrush colors, increase transparency, and improve flow with waterbased Createx Airbrush Reducers. Use these premium reducers with Auto Air Colo...
$4.68 - $32.40
+ 31 Options
+ 31 Options
Item #: 25311
$7.24 - $120.56
Createx Colors AutoBorne Sealers are the recommended foundation for any Createx Colors automotive or hard-surface paint job. These sealers provide inc...
$7.24 - $120.56
+ 4 Options
+ 4 Options
Item #: 25308
$3.76 - $11.99
Highly concentrated solution for cleaning airbrushes and screens between color changes. For all waterbased paints and acrylics.
$3.76 - $11.99
50+ Options
50+ Options
Item #: 25790
$10.04 - $110.00
SAVE up to 42% off List!
Createx candy2o Auto-Air Colors are brilliant, transparent colors for custom refinishing and airbrushing. They combine advanced, watersoluble, urethan...
$10.04 - $110.00
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+ 16 Options
+ 16 Options
Item #: 25311
$4.86 - $35.90
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Use Createx Auto Air Additives with Auto Air Paints to paint on metal, fiberglass, plastic, vinyl, wood, concrete, and glass. They are permanent, ligh...
$4.86 - $35.90
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+ 5 Options
+ 5 Options
Item #: 25993
$6.57 - $19.07
Createx Airbrush Clear Coats are durable water-based, acrylic coatings that dry to a hard, level, transparent finish. Water-resistant, they protect pa...
$6.57 - $19.07
+ 8 Options
+ 8 Options
Item #: 25308
$3.72 - $17.18
Use Createx Airbrush Top Coats as a protective coating at the end of your airbrush projects. Simply spray over your finished design when dry. They wor...
$3.72 - $17.18
+ 2 Options
+ 2 Options
Item #: 25308
$3.76 - $6.12
With Createx Airbrush Transparent Base, you can extend your paint, add transparency, and create different and unique effects. Paint is more transparen...
$3.76 - $6.12
+ 2 Options
+ 2 Options
Item #: 25308
$7.82 - $12.47
A small amount of water-based Createx Airbrush Retarder added to your paint will extend drying time, prevent your airbrush tip from drying, and improv...
$7.82 - $12.47
+ 2 Options
+ 2 Options
Item #: 25308
$3.76 - $12.47
Createx Airbrush Opaque Base increases opacity of transparent matte airbrush colors and extends opaque airbrush colors to lighter values without affec...
$3.76 - $12.47
Item #: 25984
Apply Createx Candy2o Auto Air Colors 4040 Bleed Checker over Candy2o Colors between coats of paint to prevent bleeding in your airbrush work. This hy...
+ 4 Options
+ 4 Options
Item #: 25984
$2.24 - $7.29
Createx Illustration Mediums are optimized for use with Createx Illustration Colors.
$2.24 - $7.29
+ 36 Options
+ 36 Options
Item #: 25311
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Featuring breakthrough waterbased airbrush paint technology, the 4200 Series Colors are the standard airbrush and graphic colors in Createx's Auto Air...
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Based in East Granby, Connecticut, Createx Colors is a family owned manufacturer of artist colors and materials. Started in 1978 by a husband and wife team of an art teacher and a chemist, Createx has grown both through the quality of its products, and through artists' support at the grassroots level.
Createx makes a wide variety of products, from its popular Airbrush Colors to its lesser known Liquid Fiber Reactive Dyes. All products made by Createx are water-based, nontoxic, and are of exceptional quality and value. Createx prides itself on manufacturing all of its products in their entirety, ensuring complete control over the product's quality.
Createx looks forward to continuing to serve the artist community by manufacturing quality artists colors and materials.